One of my favourite movies is Rushmore (next to Garden State). I went downtown to buy a copy, went into the local American Apparel while I was at it. It really is such a problem that there is an American Apparel in almost every neighbourhood, oh how it tempts me so....
In any case, Rushmore is what I was talking about. Isn't it just a fantastic movie? I really can't get enough of it. Wes Anderson is a genius and this movie takes the best slice of cake on the plate. there is something so intoxicating about Jason Schwartzman wearing a red beret, nerdy glasses, and braces, not to mention his character's extreme genius. He isn't like

any normal kid, and that is what makes him such a special person. He befriends a 50 year old divorced man with a penchant for giving power to the underdog, and he falls in love with a lovely and caring school teacher. Even after trying to court her and failing out of Rushmore Academy, he still had the power to write an awe inspiring play and have the affection of a beautiful young girl.
If you've seen this movie, you know what I'm talking about. And if you haven't, what are you doing still sitting and reading this? Run out to your nearest video store and pick up a copy. Now here are some photos to wet your appetite...

not a picture from the movie, but a nice one nonetheless...

Haven't seen that movie...yet. I like your outfit. Very casual but well-orchestrated. Props for the converse too.
I love youroutfit! Especially the denim skirt! My mother always says that I look like I am about to go running when I wear converse shoes. You don't & you look amazing :)
great skirt, love the converse! :)
thanks for the comment, yeah the "copy cat" thing is something I decided to do to make it a more fun "read" instead of typing it out..was bored, got creative. ;) thanks for commenting my outfit =)
I love that red bag, it goes well with the denim skirt =] I would love to swap links with you, i have added you to my blog roll at flight of phancy
Love Wes Anderson films!!
You are beautiful.
Jason Schwarzman is really owning those clothes. His outfits accentuate the extreme genius look you were talking about. Plus, I haven't seen him that well-shaven in a long time. Have you seen Shopgirl? Dirt all over his face.
I like the skirt!!! unique
todo bello como siempre
Love the skirt and bag! I think you did well adding the converse shoes! You look great!
Ps: The Oxford days outfit is amazing! I love the shoes! I can't wait to buy myself one of those! Just lovely! :)
in blog, and lookbook!!!
so nice!
your oxford shoes!
soo nice!
i've never seen it, but i guess i should! cute converse
Hey, i like the cardigan, great outfit and i will check out that movie, i had never heard of it but i will watch it
Oh and i tagged you! :) check my blog for details
cute and comfy, love hte red bag
Great skirt. That sounds like a good movie I've never heard of it before now.
I love Jason Schwartzman. He's such a great actor. I love Rushmore (anything Wes Anderson for me!).
Max has to be one of the most eccentric, but lovable characters ever!
Your outfit is nicely composed.
oh thank you! I love that huge red pot! hehe. Your photos are so lovely~~
OoOOo.. i love what you are wearing..
thank you! your outfit is nice! and i like the all stars! x
i love your sunny !!
great outfit
love your laidback take on your outfit!
Your outfit is great, and I love Rushmore too. Every time it's on TV I just have to watch it because its devastatingly funny in this really weird way. It may also have something to do with my slight crush on Jason Schwartzman, but who knows!
loving the laidback ensemble.
you have been linke by the way :D
I have to see the movie, you've got me intrigued.
Love your outfit in those amazing pictures with the giant pot!
I haven't seen that movie, or even heard of it. I guess I'll have to pick it up!
I really like the skirt, and the giant pot in the background, haha. :) I love your style.
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