Going down to the Distillery is always a beautiful adventure. The wonky cobblestones below your feet, old, weathered gray-stone buildings, rickety wooden floorboards. As I stand in the main square I can picture socialite women dressed to the nines, held together by corsets and bustles, sashaying down the cobblestone walk with a parasols in hand. Men adorned in top hats checking their pocket watches as their shiny black shoes clack on the stone beneath their feet. It is a romantic time. Then I am jolted out of my reverie by the remembrance of the true use of this neighbourhood: making beer.
Sweaty men in overalls rolling barrels of beer down the road isn't exactly my idea of romance, so I will stick to my own dreams.
A dreary day calls for bright colours.Translucent red dress: Urban Outfitters
black slip: The Bay
Purple tights: Legs Beautiful
Yellow bow-peep-toe slingbacks: Payless

Ha-ha, yes sweaty old men in overalls not so nice. I think my pictures lie about the places I go around my college campus--yes it's green and we have a creek and a field, but it's also swarming with insects, annoying bikers/joggers/dog walkers and just general mayhem. By the by, I am linking to you.
I love the bright colors! :)
I would have sworn that dress was vintage!
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