Back in the 1960s, Yorkville was the hub of creativity, with cheap rents and an artistic circle like no other. It was a hippie haven. Artistic folk flocked from all over the city to bask in the quaint neighbourhood's charm and artistic muse. But soon it was on the police radar, described not as an artistic community, but as a drug circle. Buildings were boarded up, hippies were forced out of their homes, art studios left vacant. Sterile condominiums were built where once there was artistic flourish, and rents soared higher than ever before. Soon the richest of the rich moved to this new and improved area of Toronto, feeding off the couture stores that landed there. This is the Yorkville of today. I guess you could say I am trying to channel the Yorkville of yesterday.

dress: H&M * purse: vintage * tri-tone footless socks: American Apparel * white knee high socks: Legs Beautiful * t-strap heels: Payless
What a sad story. I hate how society is constantly dominanted by wealth and greed. In the wise words of John Lennon, give peace a chance! Love the outfit by the way, you never fail to impress me! (:
Amazing dress. I really like your outfits. Sure we can trade links!
beautiful dress and pictures!
it's such a lovely dress, you look gorgeous
The world is always so greedy!! It's pretty sad actually!
Your dress is just perfect, it has such a nice colour!!! lovely outfit and beautiful pictures!
Sure, I'd love to trade links. Thanks for asking me. I hope my store does well too. :)
ps: super cute photos and outfit!! ♥
such a cute outfit & dreamy pics! and yes, i'd love to link up :)
LOVE this look! That dress is fantastic and you styled it perfectly.
It's strange how things change. My school was formed on principles of giving and had an orphanage attached and all the orphans could attend for free once they reached the college years. Now it's ridiculously expensive and it's sometimes called the "Harvard of Christian Colleges..."
Welcome to Lookbook, by the way. ^_^
love love love this look :D
You always look so damn great! I really like your style!
what a beautifull dress you'r wearing, i love it.
And the picturs are so cute
i love orange it is just so... just so orange
cute outfit!
you musn't forget the gangs of bikers that became a huge part of yorkville.
it wasn't all the cops harping on hippies.
Cute dress.
and im obsessed with knee socks!
ughh thats sort of depressing but nonetheless you look wonderful.
That dress is so mod, I love it!
ahh your outfit is amazing. and your hair looks so nice and shiny in the pics.
want to link?
I love the outfit.
You take wonderful photos.
Would you like to trade links? I'm new to blogging.
really love the quality of your pictures, so fairyland-ish
Hey, wow love that outfit, the photography really did give a sense of the past, i love thinking about the past and imagining what it would have been like, with the outfit's! Great post, you should do one with a 1950s dress with the hair and everything, it would be so cute.
amazing, how you portrayed the story and the spirit of that place!
aside from looking ravishing again..
I'm loving the dress! the photos are just amazing.
BTW, would you like to do a link exchange with me?
your outfit means so much more when you read the story behind your inspiration. love the dress!
You look so lovely! I really love love love your dress. I also really like your style. This is my first time on your blog and I read already about everything
Those shoes paired with the socks are gorgeous!
i decided to add you to my links if you don't mind! :)
i just love your blog.
that dress is the cutest thing ever and it looks amazing with the socks and shoes!
would you like to trade links?
I'm from NS :) Where are you from?
I'm linking you right now!
Yes I would definitely like to trade links.
gorgeous pictures and dress though
very cute blog, linking accordingly. :) thanks for the comment!
oh very lovely dress
oh this outfit is so amazzzing
Gentrification is a bitch. Also, I can't believe that your dress is H&M! It totally looks vintage!
wow i really do love this outfit.
A fellow Torontonian?
Pleasure dahling. Great photos, I'm surprised you didn't snap one by the huge boulder.
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